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Jan 29, 2018

ADVFN Weekly Cryptocurrency News

ADVFN Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency Weekly News 29 January 2018

It was the usual story for the Bitcoin price in the last seven days – it went down then it went up again. On Friday it dropped to just over $10,000 then on Sunday it rose to over $12,000. At the time of writing it is at $11,350.

Here’s a chart of the last week’s Bitcoin price:


Bitcoin chart


ADVFN’s Cryptocurrency page gives you prices for Bitcoin and altcoins


So what’s going to happen to the price of cryptocurrency in the future – is it going up or down? Well, the Express newspaper can’t make its mind up because on Sunday it published an article saying Bitcoin could go to $50,000 this year, then on Monday it warned there was going to a price crash bloodbath. So who knows!


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Other Cryptocurrency News

New to cryptocurrency? The Guardian has an explanation of what the digital currency and the blockchain are all about. Read it here

Then further your education with this glossary of jargon used in the world of crypto, compiled by Forbes


In what is thought to be the biggest cryptocurrency hack so far, Tokyo-based digital currency exchange Coincheck had $534m (£380m) stolen last week. The company suspended trading after detecting “unauthorised access” of its digital exchange. Coincheck says it will refund most of the assets lost in the attack. Read the story on BBC News


$3.7 billion has been raised in ICOs – but more than ten percent of it has been stolen. This is from new research by Ernst & Young. The firm analysed over 372 ICOs and found that of the funds raised, about $400 million had been stolen. Read more about the report on Reuters


The United Nations wants to use blockchain technology to help fight climate change. They announced that they have helped to launch a new group called the Climate Chain Coalition. Its aim is to research the use cases for distributed ledger technology in climate change-related initiatives. This Coindesk article gives the details


Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase’s revenues exceeded $1 billion last year. The rise was fuelled by the massive interest in cryptocurrencies as ordinary people jumped onto the bandwagon. But the explosion in its revenue has brought with it problems: too many venture capitalists trying to get a piece of the company. You can read about this on


Once upon a time Bitcoin was used to buy a pizza. Now, blockchain has entered the commodities market, as a cargo of US soybeans has been traded using blockchain technology. Read about it on Bloomberg


Irish payment processor Stripe has announced that it will no longer accept Bitcoin payments after April 2018. It says that block size capacity, slow transaction confirmation times and high fees are the reasons for this change. Stripe was the first major processor to accept bitcoin back in 2014. Read the story on


You can already for some flights using cryptocurrency. Now Brisbane airport has announced it will be accepting Bitcoin, Ethereum and other digital currencies at various retail outlets for travellers arriving or departing at the airport’s terminals. Read the story on


You can’t use Discover credit and debit cards on cryptocurrency exchanges. Discover CEO David Nelms explains why the government’s strict Anti-Money laundering systems would add many millions of dollars in additional compliance costs. Read the story on


Rapper 50 Cent has only just realised he is a Bitcoin millionaire. In 2014 he became the first artist to accept the currency as payment when he released the album Animal Ambition, and he received more than 700 Bitcoins. Then he forgot all about it – until now, when his hoard is worth in excess of $7m. The BBC News site has the details



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New Book on Cryptocurrencies out now
from Clem Chambers

The CEO of ADVFN, Clem Chambers, has a new book on cryptocurrencies out now in paperback and for the Kindle. Click here to buy the book from Amazon


Trading Cryptocurrencies: A Beginner’s Guide - Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin is an invaluable guide to making money in cryptocurrencies: how they work, how to invest in them, trading cryptocoins, mining, and the technical details behind them.


Trading Cryptocurrencies book

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CME Bitcoin Futures

ADVFN (LSE:AFN) is now offering free CME Bitcoin Futures data to its four million registered users.

Anyone visiting the ADVFN site can obtain quotes, view charts and access real-time news for CME Bitcoin Futures here. Users can add these contracts to their portfolios and see bid, offer, highs, lows and current prices along with traded volumes. They can also view them on their monitor pages alongside their other investments.

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