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Jan 22, 2018

ADVFN Weekly Cryptocurrency News

ADVFN Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency Weekly News 22 January 2018

The last week saw a big correction in Bitcoin and many altcoins. The Bitcoin price fell from around $13,000 on Tuesday to just over $10,000 on Wednesday. Was this the start of the crypto apocalypse?

Well, no, because by Thursday it had recovered somewhat, possibly because astute traders were buying the dip. By Friday it was back to $11,800; over the weekend it jumped back to almost $13,000 and then fell to around $11,200.

At the time of writing the Bitcoin price is $10.690 – by the time you read this, who knows where it will be!

Just to outline the rollercoaster ride the price has been on, here’s a chart of the last month:


Bitcoin chart


ADVFN’s Cryptocurrency page gives you prices for Bitcoin and altcoins


One of the reasons for the big correction last week was the uncertainty around the conflicting announcements from various bits of the South Korean government: yes, they were going to shut cryptocurrency exchanges, no they weren’t, maybe they were in the future… discusses this here

Another reason suggested was that the influx of “mass-market consumers” who joined the crypto band wagon led to the sudden surge in price, and that led experienced investors to take advantages of the high prices and get out before it crashed. Read more in The Express

An article on argues that the cryptocurrency “flash crash” last week wasn’t all bad. Find out why here



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Other Cryptocurrency News

Last week the BitConnect investment platform announced it was shutting down, after a number of allegations that the platform which offers crypto loans was a fraud or a Ponzi scheme. Meanwhile, Cabbage Tech was charged with “fraud and misappropriation” by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Clearly the world of cryptocurrencies has a fraud problem. Market Watch has this story on the subject


Nova Exchange has announced that it is not going to close after all. The cryptocurrency exchange had previously announced in October 2017 that would be shutting up shop in April 2018 so that new owners could implement major upgrades. Now in a statement released last week they say that they have a new partner with the resources to keep Nova Exchange running. Read their statement here


Auto manufacturer Proton Holdings has suspended one of its dealerships after the branch started to accept Bitcoin in exchange for cars. The Malaysian company said it had not given the dealership permission to accept the cryptocurrency, so had suspended them pending an investigation. Read more on


Gamers are unhappy at the rise of cryptocurrency because miners are buying up all the high-end graphics cards, according to an article in Ars Technica. Read about it here


Chip manufacturers are seeing an increase in revenues driven by the demand from cryptocurrency miners, according to this report in Quartz


Cryptocurrencies are built on the blockchain, a new way of recording information in a public ledger which is secure and transparent. This could have many applications beyond just digital money, and Entrepreneur Network lists some of them here


There have been a lot of scare stories in the media recently saying that Bitcoin mining used up as much electricity as (insert name of small country here) and that eventually it will use up the world’s entire power supply. If you suspected these stories were nonsense you were right, as a new report from Credit Suisse calms fears and says that it is a mistake to project miners’ power consumption lineally. Read about the report on


Software that hijacks your computer to mine cryptocurrency in the background and send the proceeds to the wallet belonging to the person deploying the software has now become the most popular form of malware, overtaking viruses and ransomeware. Read about it on Technology Review


Finally, a new pop group in Japan celebrates cryptocurrency. Kasotsuka Shojo (Virtual Currency Girls) is a J-pop group where each of the eight girls represents one of the larger digital monetary formats: Bitcoin, Litecoin etc. They played their first concert a few weeks ago – and of course you had to use cryptocurrency to buy a ticket. Read more about the group on Engadget


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News, information, tips and opinions on all things to do with cryptocurrency.

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New Book on Cryptocurrencies out now
from Clem Chambers

The CEO of ADVFN, Clem Chambers, has a new book on cryptocurrencies out now in paperback and for the Kindle. Click here to buy the book from Amazon


Trading Cryptocurrencies: A Beginner’s Guide - Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin is an invaluable guide to making money in cryptocurrencies: how they work, how to invest in them, trading cryptocoins, mining, and the technical details behind them.


Trading Cryptocurrencies book

Click here to buy the book from Amazon




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Anyone visiting the ADVFN site can obtain quotes, view charts and access real-time news for CME Bitcoin Futures here. Users can add these contracts to their portfolios and see bid, offer, highs, lows and current prices along with traded volumes. They can also view them on their monitor pages alongside their other investments.

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