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Apr 30, 2018

ADVFN Weekly Cryptocurrency News

ADVFN Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency Weekly News 30 April 2018

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I need to check my thesaurus for alternative words I can use for ‘rollercoaster’, because the Bitcoin price this week did its usual thing of going up-up-up then down-down-down then back up again. It rose steadily on Tuesday before peaking at $9,750 early on Wednesday, then plunged down again to reach a low on Thursday of $8,667 before recovering somewhat. At the time of writing the price is $9,304.

Here’s the chart for the last week:


Bitcoin chart


ADVFN’s Cryptocurrency page gives you prices for Bitcoin and altcoins


Blockchain Summit


Join the pioneers, innovators and thought leaders of the blockchain industry at our one day conference.
Speaking on the main stage:
Zeeshan Feroz, CEO of Coinbase UK
Obi Nwosu, CEO of Coinfloor
Cassie Craddock, Global Payments and Marketplace Expert at Ripple
Ruth Wandhöfer,  Managing Director / Global Head of Regulatory & Market Strategy at Citi
13th of June 2018, Old Billingsgate, London
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Exclusive after show networking event, sponsored by Laneaxis, which will be open to all delegates. 

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Bitcoin Predictions

Time to polish the old crystal ball and look at the future of the cryptocurrency market. The founder of hedge fund Pantera is enthusiastic: Dan Morehead says a market cap of $40 trillion is “definitely possible” one day. Given that the current market cap is $400 billion, that would be quite an increase – approximately 10,000% and it would mean the Bitcoin price would reach nearly $1 million. Here’s hoping! Read what he said on Coin Journal


Many institutional investors are also bullish, although not to quite such a degree… an informal survey carried out by Wall Street strategist Fundstrat Global Advisors found that 82% of investors believe the Bitcoin price has bottomed and 53% think it will end the year between $10,000 and $20,000. 41% think it will trade at $20,000-$30,000 by the end of the year, and a super- enthusiastic 6% predict it will reach $30,000. Read all the stats on


Exchange and Bank News

Goldman Sachs has hired a veteran securities trader to help the firm develop a digital asset strategy, leading to speculation that the company plans to launch an OTC cryptocurrency trading desk. Goldman denies that this is the case, for now at least. Read the story on


The CEO of NASDAQ, the world’s second-largest exchange (by market cap), has said that it would consider becoming a crypto exchange over time." In an interview with CNBC, Adena Friedman presented a bullish stance on cryptocurrencies, although she stressed that a clear regulatory framework would need to be put in place first. Read what she said on Crypto Globe


Binance, currently the biggest cryptocurrency exchange in the world, has announced a new feature that will allow its users to consolidate their coin fragments, or dust. Dust refers to the coin values of less than one, that remain in users’ accounts after they trade. The exchange doesn’t allow users to trade with less than one whole coin. The value of these fragments of small change can be less than the transaction fee, making it infeasible to withdraw the dust. Binance has now made it easier to convert the dust to Binance Coin, the exchange’s native token. Read the story on Finance Magnates


Before it was hacked in January, the cryptocurrency exchange made a profit of 53.7 billion yen ($491 million) for the financial year ending in march, proving once again that the way to make money in cryptoland is to be an exchange! Get the details on

Similarly, Binance, the world’s biggest cryptocurrency exchange, recorded a profit of $200 million for the first quarter of 2018 – more than Deutsche Bank, Germany’s biggest bank, which recorded a profit of $146 million. Read more about this on


Cryptocurrency Crime

The alleged mastermind of Iceland’s Bit Bitcoin Heist, who fled from a low-security prison and flew to Sweden last week, has been found. But in a twist he claims that he should never have been detained, and his rights were violated because there was no evidence he did anything wrong, he didn’t have a trial and that the international arrest warrant used to grab him had expired when he absconded. Well, he would say that, wouldn’t he? Read the story on


Chinese police have seized 600 Bitcoin mining computers in an alleged case of electricity theft. This was after the local power grid operator reported an abnormally high spike in electricity consumption of up to 28% at peak consumption. An investigation showed that a junction box had been tampered with by Bitcoin miners, short-circuiting the mains to get free power. Read the story on The Register


The Russian Association of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain (RACIB) says that over half of the $300 million raised by ICOs in Russia during 2017 went to pyramid schemes. To counter this it intends to develop guidelines for initial coin offerings, to make it easier to distinguish between legitimate projects and scams. Get the details from Finance Magnates


Speaking on pyramid schemes… two people have been arrested in India accused of operation a Bitcoin Ponzi scheme that swindled around 300 Bitcoin, worth about $23.6 million, from 5,000 victims. They are alleged to have run a multi-level marketing scheme that encouraged investors to lure others into the scheme and promised high returns on Bitcoin investments. Get the details from


Governments and Crypto

16 licensed Japanese cryptocurrency exchanges have banded together to form a regulatory body, in an attempt to “restore confidence” in the sector following the recent $350 Coincheck theft. The exchanges are all currently regulated and licensed by the Financial Services Agency, and the new self-regulating body will be called the ‘Japanese Cryptocurrency exchange Association’. Read the story on


France has halved the cryptocurrency income tax rate on capital gains, which will encourage its citizens to invest. The tax has been lowered from 45% to 19%. Get the details from


Blockchain News

China wants to use blockchain technology to improve government auditing functions. In an article called “Some Ideas on Applying ‘Blockchain’ Technology in Big Data”, the National Audit of the People’s Republic of China notes that the technology can improve data storage, management, transmission and other work modes. Read the story on


Sony has filed a patent for a digital rights storage system using the blockchain. It wants to use digital ledger technology to manage and store users’ digital entitlement data on the blockchain. Get the details from


Mining News

There are only four million Bitcoin left to be mined. The total supply of the cryptocurrency is capped at 21 million – and 17 million have already been mined. Read why there is a limit on


Samsung branched out earlier this year, and started to manufacture ASIC chips, the very powerful processors optimised for Bitcoin mining. Their first quarter results show this move has paid off, as you can see in this story on


Other News

Warren Buffett is still not a fan of Bitcoin. In a recent article with Yahoo Finance he says cryptocurrencies are not investing, they are gambling. Read what he said, and watch a video of the interview, on Yahoo Finance:


PayPal’s former chief executive Bill Harris is another crypto-naysayer. The founder of the payments company says Bitcoin is a “colossal pump-and-dump scheme, the likes of which the world has never seen.” Read his comments on Recode


MIT Technology Review published a controversial article titles “Let’s Destroy Bitcoin” which details three scenarios that could lead to the cryptocurrency’s eventual demise. But it didn’t take long for people to rebut the article’s premise, pointing out why the three scenarios wouldn’t take down Bitcoin. Read the original article here and a response on


Coinbase, the top cryptocurrency exchange, has suspended the Bitcoin account used by WikiLeaks for being in violation of its terms of service. WikiLeaks had been using the account so people can buy t-shirts, posters and other merchandise, and pay with Bitcoin. In response to the suspension, WikiLeaks tweeted that it would “call for a global blockade of Coinbase” because it is “an unfit member of the crypto community.” Get the details on CNBC


Wikipedia has released its list of the top 50 subjects its readers read about in 2017, and Bitcoin is in at number 9. Donald Trump, Elizabeth II, Meghan Markle and Game of Thrones were some of the other search terms in the top 10. See the full list on Wikipedia


A Danish ice hockey stadium has rebranded by changing its name to ‘Bitcoin Arena’. The two owners of the stadium formerly known as the Runsted Seier Capital ice rink said they wanted to spread awareness of Bitcoin, especially in a country like Denmark where the cryptocurrency and blockchain sector is not as far advanced as in other regions. Read the story on




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New Book on Cryptocurrencies out now
from Clem Chambers

The CEO of ADVFN, Clem Chambers, has a new book on cryptocurrencies out now in paperback and for the Kindle. Click here to buy the book from Amazon


Trading Cryptocurrencies: A Beginner’s Guide - Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin is an invaluable guide to making money in cryptocurrencies: how they work, how to invest in them, trading cryptocoins, mining, and the technical details behind them.


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CME Bitcoin Futures

ADVFN (LSE:AFN) is now offering free CME Bitcoin Futures data to its four million registered users.

Anyone visiting the ADVFN site can obtain quotes, view charts and access real-time news for CME Bitcoin Futures here. Users can add these contracts to their portfolios and see bid, offer, highs, lows and current prices along with traded volumes. They can also view them on their monitor pages alongside their other investments.

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