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Nov 20, 2017

ADVFN Weekly Cryptocurrency News

ADVFN Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News Monday 20 Nov 2017

Cryptocurrency Weekly News Monday 20 November 2017

The Bitcoin price hit $8,000 on Friday morning. It fell back a little after reaching its all-time high, but then jumped again today. As I write it is currently $8,212. Given that last week it was trading below $6,000, it has recovered very fast – just one more example of the extreme volatility of this new financial instrument.

Here’s the chart for the last five days:

Bitcoin chart

One of the reasons for its rise is that institutional investors are starting to take an interest in cryptocurrencies. This article on speculates on this and other reasons behind the rally


Other Cryptocurrency News

Bitcoin isn’t the only cryptocurrency rising at the moment. Ethereum is rallying, and has shown gains against both USD and BTC. Read about the rally in this article on

The bug which froze Ethereum wallets losing about £212 million of the cryptocurrency a few weeks ago was known about since August, according to a “post-mortem” on the problem – but nobody acted to fix it. Read more on

Cryptocurrency’s lack of regulation makes it attractive to criminals, and the problem of cybercrime and cryptocurrency was discussed at a security conference at the weekend. Security 360 in Hong Kong had a session on how cryptocurrency is used to finance terror and crime. Read more about the conference on this article on

One criminal gang who had been extorting ransom payments in Bitcoin was captured by Turkish police recently. The kidnappers followed a businessman to his car posing as police, then nabbed him and held him at gunpoint while extorting his coins and banking passwords. Read more on

A real estate group in Manhattan is now accepting payments in Bitcoin for its luxury apartments. Ben Shaoul of Magnum Real estate Group said, “We were approached by a buyer who has been collecting bitcoin for many years and was interested in using it to buy property.” Read more on cryptocoinnews

Cryoptocoinnews also reports that another real estate company in Miami Beach, Florida, recently listed a $3.5 million penthouse combo and say the payment could be made in Bitcoin or Ethereum. Read more

From massive payments to miniscule ones: an amusement arcade in a New Zealand town now lets people pay for their play in Bitcoins. They use a mobile QR code at the till to buy tokens which they can then pump into the machines to play Pac-Man, pinball or racing games. Read about it on


New Book on Cryptocurrencies out now
from Clem Chambers

The CEO of ADVFN, Clem Chambers, has a new book on cryptocurrencies out now. Click here to buy the book from Amazon.

Trading Cryptocurrencies: A Beginner’s Guide - Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin is an invaluable guide to making money in cryptocurrencies: how they work, how to invest in them, trading cryptocoins, mining, and the technical details behind them. It is out now for the Kindle, and the paperback version will be published in December.

Trading Cryptocurrencies book

Click here to buy the book from Amazon.

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